
The Rock and The Kite Project

• The Rock and The Kite Picture Book

Exceprt from The Rock and The Kite

The Rock Passed The Flower is a sculptural representation of a one scene from a picture book I made: The Rock and The Kite. 

• Automata Project: The Rock Passed The Flower

Third scene

The Rock Passed The Flower

from Eunice Choi on Vimeo.

The Rock Passed The Flower (2016)

Wood, Pulley, Found stone, Plant

Third scene of The Rock and The Kite
The scene when the rock starts a journey to find the kite.

Sketches, Problem Solving and Process 

•  Automata Project: The Rock meets the Red Kite

First Scene

The Rock meets the Red Kite (2016)

Wood, Pulley, Found stone, Fabric, Motor

First scene of The Rock and The Kite
The scene when the rock meets the kite for the first time.

Prototyping and Process

© Eunice Choi