Fortune Project 2016-17

Fortune Project started from my interest in two different behavior of people: believing the stories and affection towards D.I.Y.(Do It Yourself). For example, customizable options for sandwiches and self-checkout section in stores were interesting to me as it shows the desire for customization and independence. I wondered what makes people want to be in control of the decision, and it led me to imagine the service/product that could change one's palm line, which is believed to be a representation of one's life and fortune.

Fortune Cream Online Store 2016

Fortune Cream (2016) is a fictional online shop that sells a fortune modifiable cream. This hoax website about Fortune Cream creates a fictional environment where customers can order a customized cream. Customers can apply on their palm to transform the current palm line to the desired palm lines.

Fortune Cart Pop-up Store 2017

Fortune Cart (2017) is a performative mobile sculpture that sells fortune. Customers can decide their fortunes as they wish to change their' future'. If customers want personalized semi-permanent fortune, they can request a special order through an email.

Fortune Cart opened in Feb, 20th, 2017.

(Fortune for Spring Menu: Lover, Hug, Secret, Music, Youth, Tear, Caution, Hotness, Sweetness)

QR code for Fortune Cart Theme Song
QR code for Fortune Cart Theme Song

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