Automata Project 2016-2018
Prototyping / NarrativeAutomata Project: The Rock and The Kite 2016
Sketching, 3D modeling, Wood working
Can each scene of the story become a sculpture and activate the process of reading?
Based on the picture book I made, I created automaton that shows the individual scene of the story.
By turning on the switch or manually turning the crank system, you can start ‘reading’ the story.
1. The Rock and the Red Kite
The Rock and the Red Kite project started from a story I have created about the Rock and the kite. The story is about Rock’s journey to find the kite. The Rock’s longing for the kite makes it overcome struggles.
2. Sketches
Rough sketches for mechanism and movement
3. 3D sketching with Rhino
Rhino Sketching before fabricating the crank system and the exterior structure.
4. Prototype for Scene #1
Prototype of the scene where the kite meets the rock for the first time.
5. Fabricating Process
Fabricating the metal pulley and a wooden box.
6. Final Documentation
The Rock Passed The Flower is the scene where rock passes the flower gently so that it doesn’t get hurt.
The viewer can ‘read’ the scene by turning the hand crank.
Instead of turning pages to read one scene, turning the hand crank and observing the movement becomes the process of ‘reading.’
Documentation for reading the scene where the rock passes the flower.
Automata Project 2: Excuse me 2018